Why Financial Institutions Matter in The Fight

How Financial Institutions Help

Detecting Activity

Human Crime, at its core, is financially motivated. Therefore, Financial Institutions have the best ability to detect, prevent, and report criminal activity and help save lives.

Unique Insights

Financial Institutions have a unique view of the flow of funds within their organizations, allowing more significant opportunities to expose Human Crime.

Leverage Resources

Financial Institutions have extensive capabilities and resources in AML and fraud today. Many of these tools can identify Human Crime, stop funds from flowing within FIs, and escalate the case to law enforcement.

8 Reasons Why
the C-Suite Cares

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Is Your Team Prepared To Fight Human Crime?

Download and take a brief assessment of the tools needed for the fight.

C-Suite Executives

Leading The Fight

As a financial institution C-suite executive, you have the power to make a real difference in the fight against human trafficking and child exploitation while also benefiting your institution in numerous ways.

Take leadership in the fight against Human Crime by signing up for The Knoble Network.
Free to join. Get your access today:

3 Ways To Take Action

Take Action to Protect The Vulnerable

Take Leadership In The Fight

Join and encourage your associates to join The Knoble Network.

Review Your Preparedness To Fight Human Crime

Download and take a brief assessment of the tools needed for the fight.

Join The Industry Movement

Stand alongside Financial Institutions making a commitment to fight Human Crime. Download and sign The Knoble Accord.

“With the help of the Financial Industry, detecting more of these crimes means stopping more of these crimes.”

Contact Us Today

If you would like to discuss ways to continue your Financial Institutions involvement in the fight, reach out today.

Human Crime has a money trail. Together we can stop it.

You Can Make a Difference